Bible Doctrine Corrupters Serving Their Own Belly

Romans 16:17-18, “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

Wow! This passage of Scripture practically gives us the address of Bob Jones University and the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. When the Bible says they “serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly,” that means they are in it for the money! By God's grace, I have never received a penny for my labors for Him. God takes care of me. I don't parasite off of Christianity to pay my bills. Now, there's nothing wrong with making a living preaching the Gospel, but most ministers today AREN'T preaching the Gospel, yet they're making money from the garbage they are preaching.

Kindly said, Pastor John MacArthur is a bad apple. His plan of salvation is so hard and unbiblical that Mr. MacArthur says, quote: “There is no such thing as a childhood conversion.” What kind of man of God says children cannot come to Christ? When the Lord's disciples chased the children away, the Bible says Jesus got upset. Mark 10:13-14, “And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” I guess John MacArthur never read this passage of Scripture.

Some of John MacArthur's biggest supporters are Pastor Marty Herron (Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary), Dr. Steve Pettit (Bob Jones University) and the ungodly Harvest Baptist Church on Guam (religious phonies who have refused to allow me attend their church since 2014). Thank God too! The Lord evidently doesn't want me to be corrupted by the belly-serving Bob Jones' crowd. It's all about money with them! Harvest Baptist Academy generates millions of dollars each year in revenue, to employ dozens of yuppie type alumni from BJU. The Word of God says to “MARK THEM (i.e., identify them), which cause offences contrary to the doctrine we have received in the King James Bible. We are to AVOID THEM!

Jude 1:3-4, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Dr. Steve Pettit preaches another gospel, by teaching that faith alone is NOT enough to get to Heaven. Mr. Pettit states:

You can't just speak about getting saved, and you accepted Christ, and then that's it! There is a justification; There is a sanctification; There's ultimately a glorification, and though there are three parts, they are all part of the whole, and you cannot separate them. In order for you to qualify for the award, you have to get into the race, you have to stay in the race, and you have to finish the race. If you want to win, you have to run to the end; and winning in the Christian life is everything, because if you lose—if you don't finish—you lose everything—you lose your SOUL. And so, the Christian race is the life of faith that begins, is run, and is finished when we cross over into Heaven!” [emphasis added] —Dr. Steve Pettit (“What Does It Mean To Run 'The Race'?” - 11:34)

Roman Catholics superficially claim to believe in Jesus, but they actually deny Him, by claiming that you must keep the Seven Sacraments of their church to get to Heaven. The religious people in Matthew 7:21-23 spent their lives serving Jesus, doing many wonderful works in His name, yet the Lord said He did not know them. I NEVER KNEW YOU!

We've got literally millions of religious workers today all around the world, who are merely SERVING THEIR OWN BELLY, and not the Lord Jesus Christ. If they were truly serving the Lord at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, then they wouldn't just cast me aside like garbage and refuse to associate with me. I have been loving, humble and kind, but they have refused to let me attend their church every step of the way. So now I just preach against them with the Bible, without apology, because they need to hear THE TRUTH! They're avoiding me at Harvest, but they are the reprobate heretics! They are the evil people promoting Dr. John MacArthur and Steve Pettit (who both complicate the Gospel). 

The pastors and staff at Harvest Baptist Church (and Harvest Baptist Academy) on Guam are serving their own bellies, collecting a lousy paycheck. The church itself is a mere place of entertainment, socialization and a way to ease their conscience in their apostate condition (Revelation 3:15-16). It didn't surprise me that they removed all the old-fashioned looking pews after Pastor Herron left, which looked so nice; replacing them with ugly blue chairs. The church now looks like a convention center for a political rally. What a dreary place! I am sad for the congregation, and the youth being misled. They might as well be going to the Kingdom Hall, Seventh-Day Adventist cult, Mormons or the Roman Catholic church down the street!

Harvest Baptist Church preaches another Gospel of partial faith in Christ plus turning from your sins to be saved. That is NOT the simplicity that is in Jesus Christ (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4). Romans 10:3-4 teaches that Christ Himself is THE END OF THE LAW! You get saved by resting completely in Jesus (Hebrews 4:10-11), because of what He did through the cross of Calvary to pay for your sin. Jesus died on the cross. He was buried. Three days later Christ raised up physically from the dead. This is the Gospel (or, 'GOOD NEWS' - 1st Corinthians 15:1-4; John 19-20). John 4:47, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.Simply believe dear friend, and you are saved!

I love the Bob Jones' crowd, but they have been deceived by the Devil. Lordship Salvation is nothing less than Calvinism repackaged. BJU and their damnable Lordship Salvation falsehood is of the Devil. Faithful believers must expose BJU. We must mark them as the Bible teaches, because of the doctrinal division which they are causing. BJU has moved away from the hope of the Gospel. People beware! When Bob Jones University invited the Devil's modern Bible revisions into their college, they invited the Devil right into their midst! These new corrupt Bibles bring with them another gospel, which is corrupt, teaching Lordship Salvation. Take for example Hebrews 6:1 in the Easy-To-Read Version (ERV)Marty Herron is a wolf in sheep's clothing! So also is his wimpy, pipsqueak, butt-buddy, Jared Baldwin. These apostates ought not be allowed to stand behind any pulpit, lest they take more people to Hell. These are tares crept in among the wheat! ...

The Pathetic Harvest Baptist Church on Guam

Pastor Gary Walton is nothing more than another salary-sucker at the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam since 2018, another phony helping to run the church into the ground spiritually. They don't care about hurting people. They have ignored me in my pain. All I am is a hurting dog, and a hurting dog barks! Neo-evangelicals don't care, because they are serving their own belly, using fair speeches to deceive the simple (the people of Guam). If you love Jesus Christ dear reader, RUN from anything having to do with Bob Jones University today!!! They are wrong on the Holy Bible. They are wrong on the Gospel. They are wrong on repentance. They have a wrong attitude, woefully lacking any compassion for hurting people. They are wrong in whom they follow and bid Godspeed to! They are wrong, wrong, wrong! 

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