Some Dangerous Ideas Taught From The Pulpit Today

Mark 4:24, “And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given.”

1st John 4:1, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”

In this blog I want to write about three major false ideologies I have heard pastors teach, which are dangerous and unbiblical.

Lie # 1 - Christians Shouldn't Correct Someone's False Doctrine

I heard a local Baptist pastor in Pensacola say something last year that made me cringe. He said that no one has a right to judge another Christian's doctrine. He said that no one knows everything about the Bible, so it is arrogant to have a superior attitude that you're always right about doctrine. He warned the congregation that since they could be wrong in their understanding of the Word of God, they ought never correct other believers with whom they disagree doctrinally.

Kindly said, that pastor needs to get right with God! The inspired Holy Bible couldn't be more clear that we get saved by receiving Jesus as our Savior (John 1:12), not our Lord (Matthew 7:21-23). Billions of religious people have followed Jesus as their “Lord, but went straight to Hell when they died. You don't get saved by following, serving, worshipping or loving Jesus. You get saved by receiving His sacrifice on the cross as full payment for your sins, believing that He was buried, but then physically resurrected from the dead three days later. This is the official Gospel as defined in the inspired King James Bible (1st Corinthians 15:1-6).

Tragically, most pastors today have been woefully deceived, so that they are now preaching the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. Pensacola Christian College is teaching the damnable heresy of Lordship Salvation. Bob Jones University is teaching the Devil's deception Lordship Salvation. Pacific Garden Mission and their 'UNSHACKLED' radio program are preaching the Satanic lie of Lordship Salvation. They are all deadly liars and false prophets, accursed by God almighty for preaching another gospel (Galatians 1:6-9).

I have been shamefully scolded, despised and even banned from attending numerous churches, simply because I befriended their incompetent pastors with THE TRUTH that Lordship Salvation and Wrong Repentance are NOT God's simple plan of salvation. And also because I told THE TRUTH that all modern English Bible revisions have been corrupted by Satan. The pastor I mentioned earlier is sincere, but he couldn't be more wrong that we ought not correct someone else's false doctrine. I will kindly warn anyone I come across who foolishly thinks that they must turn from their sinful bad habits to get to Heaven. That means Chick Jacks are dangerous and need to be exposed and shunned!

Bible preachers have a biblical obligation to warn everyone, as a Watchman. You had better believe that I am going to criticize, rebuke sharply and earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints (Jude 1:3; Titus 1:10-11). I am not arrogant for thinking that I am right that repentance DOESN'T mean to turn from their sinful bad habits to get to Heaven. That is not merely my opinion. It is what the Word of God doesn't teach! If you think I am being arrogant, it is either because you are a fool, or because you are woefully ignorant of the inspired Holy Bible.

Lie #2 - Lordship Salvation Falls Within The Realm Of Orthodox Theology

I heard Dr. Kevin Bauder from Maranatha Baptist Bible College insanely teaches that Lordship Salvation falls within the realm of orthodox theology, and we should accept false teachers like John MacArthur, Ray Comfort and Paul Washer as saved brethren. Dr. Steve Pettit (former long time incompetent president of Bob Jones University) ruined the religious college. Steve Pettit is a hellbound Calvinist who is personal buddies with heretic John MacArthur. Birds of a feather flock together!

Dear reader, Lordship Salvation is a counterfeit gospel that cannot produce the required new birth to enter into God's Kingdom (John 3:1-7). Also, the heretical idea that you must forsake a lifestyle of sinning to be saved is FALSE! Jesus came into the world to die on a cross to pay our debt of sin. God does not demand that you first be willing to reform (change your behavior) to receive His free gift of eternal life, which would be works instead of grace.

Lordship Salvation DOESN'T fall into the realm of biblical theology, not even close! Remember, the Bible identifies Satan as “the god of this world,” whom the Scripture warns us that he “blinds the minds” of unsaved people to hinder them from seeing the Gospel, “lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (2nd Corinthians 4:4b).

Lie #3 - Pick Which Bible Fits You Best

I was shocked when I heard an incompetent Baptist pastor actually tell his congregation to choose which Bible versions fits them best. No Sir, you are a lying fool! God's Word stands alone, you don't get to pick which tampered with, watered down, corrupted, perversion, best suits your carnal flesh. The inspired King James Bible is God's preserved, inspired, infallible, inerrant, holy Word for English-speaking people today. There can only be ONE true Bible translation in any particular language.

Look at what the Devil's Bible butchering henchmen did to corrupt Matthew 8:2.

Look at what Satan's little minions did to corrupt 1st Timothy 3:16.

I could literally show you hundreds more corruptions, omissions and blasphemy in the corrupt modern Bible revisions (and they're all corrupt). If you don't use only the KING JAMES BIBLE, then friend, you don't have an inspired Holy Bible!!! Please don't believe any demonic liar who tries to convince you that it is harmless to use the modern Devil's Bible versions. I have only read, memorized and studied from the King James Bible since I became born again at age 13 in 1980, and I will NEVER use any other so-called “Bible.” Remember, the King James Bible is NOT a mere “version, it is the inspired Holy Bible.

By inspired I mean that they are God's Words. The Lord alone authored the Bible. Men were the mere penmen. I plead with you to RUN away from the modern corrupt Bible revisions. It is tragic that the Pensacola Christian College cult refuse to contend for the faith. I do not know even one of their graduates or affiliated churches that expose the Devil's corrupt bibles. The PCC camp couldn't care less.

They consider exposing false bibles as being radical” at PCC. God is as radical as you can get! In the Old Testament, God killed a man for steading the Ark of the Covenant as it wobbled. The lesson is clear: Don't mess with God's Word! If you think I am guilty of splitting hairs, then you won't like God at all, because Jesus denied entrance into Heaven to a group of people who spent their lives serving Him (Matthew 7:21-23). The dear savior didn't let them slide, merely because they were sincerely misled about God's simple plan of salvation. If you trust in turning from your sins to be saved, Christ will deny knowing you too someday!

America is going to Hell because of INDIFFERENCE in our Bible colleges and churches today. No one seems to have zeal any more for the things of God. Faithful preachers like me (an evangelist to the internet since 2002) are labeled as troublemakers. My worst enemies over the past 22 years have not been witches, sodomites, abortionists and atheists; but rather, hellbound neo-evangelicals who profess faith in Christ, but add works to their faith. That is what Lordship Salvation does, it mixes works with grace (i.e., it combines SERVICE with SALVATION, confusing people).

My favorite preacher's quote is from John Bunyan:
“If you do not put a difference between justification wrought by the man Christ without and sanctification wrought by the Spirit of Christ within, you are not able to divide the Word aright; but contrariwise, you corrupt the Word of God, and cast stumbling blocks before the people.” —John Bunyan (1628-1688)
In this needful blog, I have exposed THREE popular deceptions that are unfortunately being promoted in churches everywhere today.

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