The Damnable Telling Hypocrisy Of Chick Tracts

Galatians 1:6-8, “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”

I am astounded how many professed Christians today couldn't care less about the accuracy of God's simple plan of salvation. The Apostle Paul felt the exact same way, as we just read. Paul was astonished how quickly the Galatian churches had deviated from the Gospel he had preached unto them (1st Corinthians 15:1-4), which he received directly from Jesus Christ (Galatians 1:12). Paul was amazed how easily they were led astray by false teachers.

The Pensacola Christian College (PCC) cult and their associated cult churches are pseudo-fundamentalists. They are false Christian fundamentalists! They all distribute toxic Chick Tracts, which preach another gospel. Cartoon evangelist Jack Chick (1924-2016) errantly taught his entire ministry, that more than faith is required to get to Heaven. Mr. Chick added to God's simple plan of salvation, mandating that you also “Be willing to turn from sin,” which he wrongly thought to mean Bible repentance. In truth, Mr. Chick mistook reformation (a change of behavior) for repentance (a change of mind). On the back page of every Chick Tract you will find his false plan of salvation.

As an example of a corrupt church, Smyrna Baptist Church in Pensacola shamefully promotes Jack Chick's false repentance and counterfeit gospel, which makes them partakers of his evil deeds (2nd John 1:11). Smyrna is very close to PCC, where they also preach a counterfeit gospel. These are spiritually dangerous places, which everyone should run away from.

Like the PCC cult, the Chick Tracts organization are theological liars and deceivers! Look at their Statement of Faith at Chick Tracts. Nowhere do they mention repentance! Nowhere do they teach on their website that you have to “Be willing to turn from sin” to get to Heaven. Yet, they teach these damnable heresies in all their Chick Tracts. Why the hypocrisy? Why the double standard? This sad FACT proves the owners of the Chick Tract ministry know that Jack Chick was WRONG on repentance, and thus WRONG on the Gospel.

In over 1,000,000,000 religious Chick Tracts, which have been sold over the past 63 years since Mr. Chick wrote his first tract in 1961, a FALSE GOSPEL MESSAGE has been preached to the masses of the world, hindering lost sinners from being saved. They cannot wash the blood of over one billion people off their guilty hands by posting the true Gospel on their website, while continuing to preach a counterfeit gospel in Chick Tracts. God's curse is upon Jack Chick, and his accomplices at Chick Tracts, for corrupting the Gospel (Galatians 1:6-9).

Why don't Chick Tracts teach in their Statement of Faith that you must “Be willing to turn from sin”? Why is there a serious Double Standard in doctrine? Why don't they mention their belief about repentance in their ministry's Statement of Faith? They are indicting themselves by admitting their guilt! If there's nothing wrong with Chick Tracts, then why do they preach a DIFFERENT PLAN OF SALVATION on their website than they do in their Chick Tracts?

I am so sick and tired of being labeled as a troublemaker and banned from attending churches. The ungodly pastors of Campus Church at PCC banned me in 2022 from attending their church. So, the hell with them! They mistreat me because I TELL THE TRUTH. I have been blocked by the jerks at PCC from even viewing their Facebook page, and also blocked by Campus Church's pastors from viewing their Facebook page. These wicked people are wolves in sheep's clothing. The PCC crowd couldn't care less about anyone except themselves, and their hundreds of millions of dollars in filthy lucre. RUN from this place!

People pick up real quick on whether they are loved or not in a church. I knew something was very wrong from the first few weeks I attended Smyrna Baptist Church in 2024, and Campus Church in 2021. In these ungodly institutions the system always comes first, but individual people do not matter. People are expendable. They're no more sincere than when Taylor Swift or Van Halen tell their fans how much they “love them,” but they only love what the crowd does for them, they don't love them as individuals.

Likewise, the PCC cult love the indoctrinated crowd for the self-glorifying praise they give PCC's gods. Literally, PCC's leaders walk as gods among the people, because of the popular reputation of the college since they began in 1974. I learned a very long time ago that tyranny is rarely seen except by those who are oppressed by it. I clearly seen the tyranny at PCC. So does Samantha Field, Allen Armentrout and Peter Gage (all hurting and disgruntled PCC alumni). I love people. God knows my heart, but I hate corruption and evil. The Bible commands every believer to hate evil (Psalms 97:10). We ought never hate people.

Faith is the only righteous thing that I can do. Anyone who teaches that you must be willing to turn from your sins to get to Heaven is preaching another gospel, an accursed damnable lie. Dear reader, there is only one Gospel (Galatians 1:6). There has always been only one plan of salvation, which is through faith alone in Christ (Acts 10:43). Beware of the false prophets in today's religious circles, who are polluting the Gospel by embellishing it. It appeals to the carnal flesh that a man needs to make self atonement, clean up his behavior, depart from a sinful lifestyle, and follow Jesus as the Lord and Master of his life to get to Heaven. Such thinking makes sense to the unsaved man, but it is totally contrary to the inspired Scriptures.

I have nothing against Jack Chick. I grew up admiring his artwork. I loved Chick Tracts as a child and even as a young adult. But one day someone warned me about Chick Tracts, and showed me his false teaching. At first I was in denial for several months, refusing to turn against Mr. Chick, whom I had admired for so many years. But the seed of THE TRUTH had been planted in my soul. As a truth-telling preacher I had to make a decision about Chick Tracts. The blessed Holy Spirit was convicting my soul. I finally laid the axe to the root and I came to my senses, realizing that Jack Chick was simply WRONG about how to be saved.

It felt strange writing my first articles to expose Jack Chick and his toxic false doctrine on repentance. But after some time passed, I saw clearly to continue contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints (Jude 1:3). The very fact that Chick Tracts preach a DIFFERENT plan of salvation on their website, than they do their Chick Tracts, speaks volumes. This is a classic example of loyalty to a man instead of loyalty to God and truth. The issue is not about Jack Chick; but rather, he preached another gospel that contradicted the Gospel presented in 1st Corinthians 15:1-4.

When the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas what he needed to do to be saved in Acts 16:30, their simple answer in verse 31 was to, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. They didn't tell the man to be willing to turn from his sins, follow Christ as Lord and Master, invite Jesus into his life, forsake a lifestyle of sin, get water baptized, speak in tongues, keep the Ten Commandments, repent of his sins, chew bubblegum, or anything other unbiblical stuff. They simply told him to BELIEVE ON JESUS.

So, why do so many preachers corrupt the Gospel? It is because they listen to other fools in the clergy, instead of studying the inspired Word of God as Jesus commanded (John 5:39; Acta 17:10-11). They follow the herd mentality instead of thinking independently for themselves. They are afraid to stand alone on their own two feet, so to appease their neo-evangelical friends in the ministry they go along to get along, for the sake of avoiding leaving their comfort zone.

I triple dog dare you to show me even one Bible verse that teaches to be willing to turn from your sins to get to Heaven. You cannot do it! Christ came into the world to die on a cross to pay our debt of sin with His precious shed blood (1st Peter 1:18-19), which He sprinkled on the Mercy Seat in Heaven when He ascended into Heaven (Hebrews 9:12, 22-24; 12:24).

Here are some memorable preacher quotes...
“The darker the night the brighter the stars.” —Pastor Bob Gray Sr.

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.” —President Teddy Roosevelt

“I believe that every man and woman's life is a plan of the Almighty, and way back in the councils of eternity God laid out a work for each one of us. There is no man living that can do the work God has got for me to do. No one can do it but myself.” —Pastor Dwight L. Moody

“A Bible Christian is not only saved and sure, but also sound. We are to be sound in the faith.” —Pastor Vance Havner (1901-1986)

“Men look on the blood of Christ with scorn and contempt, but the time is coming when the blood of Christ will be worth more than all the kingdoms of the world.” —Pastor Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899)

“The pastors have destroyed the churches, and they've been trained by people that have never built churches, and they have no compassion.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Many Pastors Have Destroyed My Vineyard”

“Faith cannot be called the 'condition' of receiving, for it is the 'receiving' itself; Christ holds out, and believers receive.” —Jonathan Edwards

“I challenge you to show me where the saloon has ever helped business, education, church, morals or anything we hold dear.” —Billy Sunday

“There is nothing in God's universe that is so utterly useless as a merely formal Christian.” —Martyn Lloyd-Jones

“Without Christ you have a hopeless end; with Christ you have an endless hope.”

There is nothing standing in the records of eternity against any soul that believes in the Lord Jesus Christ.

“About the time you figure it out you die”. Dr. Jack Hyles
Thank you for reading my ministry blog.

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