Neither can a believer ever be lost again by doing BAD WORKS!
Yes, a saint of God can stray away from God to go back into the world (2nd Timothy 4:10), but they CANNOT lose salvation. The more that a saint sins, the more God's saving grave will abound, so that salvation can never be lost (Romans 6:1). There is not even one story, illustration or example in the entire Holy Bible about a child of God who lost God's free gift of salvation, and then got it back again. If salvation could be lost, then we would find such an example in the Scripture, but we do not.
The man in 1st Corinthians 3:15 was so worldly that that Bible says he was "saved; yet so as by fire." In 1st Corinthians 5:1-5 there was a sinful saint living in open adultery in the church. The Apostle Paul rebuked the church elders, instructing them to confront the backslidden man. Paul said if he refuses to repent, then he should be asked to leave the church, turned over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, but his spirit would be saved in the Day of the Lord. Clearly, this man had eternal life, and was not at risk of losing God's gift of salvation.
If we must maintain good behavior to get to Heaven, then salvation is partly based in our own good works and performance. This is works, not grace. The Bible doesn't teach that a backslidden believer can be unsaved.
Kindly, you mentioned The Parable Of The Sower And The Seeds in Luke 8:11-15. The "seed" is the inspired Word of God (verse 11). There are four groups of people represented by four types of soil.
- Unbelievers. The first group are those who hear the Gospel but do not get saved. The Devil swoops in and takes away that seed, so that they cannot hear the Gospel and be saved.
- Shallow Christians. The second group hear the Gospel (the seed of God's Word) and get saved. The seed sprouted and began to grow, but because it had shallow roots was blown away when the wind blew. This represents baby believers who quit church and never mature to bear fruit (leading others to Christ).
- Distracted Christians. The third group are those who get saved, but due to the pleasures, cares and riches of this life are side-tracked and never become soulwinners, which is God's goal for every saint.
- Soulwinning Christians. The fourth group are saved. They obey the Bible and bear much fruit to Christ, sharing the Gospel with lost sinners.
It is important to understand that this parable is not talking about getting saved, although the last 3 groups are all saved. The parable which Jesus told is about SOULWINNING. God's goal for every believer is to mature to preach the Gospel and by God's grace win souls to Christ.
Wicked false prophet, in his corrupt, 'The Evidence Bible,' falsely teaches that the second group in Luke 8:13 lost their salvation, but Ray is WRONG. The Bible does not say that they lost salvation; the parable is about maturing to bear fruit by preaching the Gospel.
Please read this helpful article by Pastor A. Ray Stanford (1916-2012), titled:
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