Philippians 4:6-7, “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
The Bible simply teaches that prayer is asking God for something. When we talk with the Lord, that is fellowship, not prayer. Prayer is asking. The unbelieving world doesn't believe in prayer or God, so if you pray aloud someone will accuse you of being insane and call security on you. I know because I have had it happen to me.
I was at the U.S. Postal training center in Norman, Oklahoma in 1999. I was walking outside and talking aloud to the Lord, as I often do. Two thug security guards approached me and said some woman said some crazy guy is talking to himself. I told the guards I was praying. I couldn't believe what he said next. He actually told me to go pray in my room! Folks, that is a violation of my Bill of Rights. I could have hired an attorney and sued the U.S. Postal Service for millions of dollars, but I didn't. The U.S. Postal Service is one of the most incompetent, ungodly and irresponsible organizations in the world! Homosexuals dominate the management and labor workforce alike. One of the best days of my life was leaving that hellhole for a better life elsewhere!!! I hated working for the U.S. Postal Service for 15 years.
After have my rights assaulted at the Norman, Oklahoma training center in 1999, I never went back to school there again. My manager on Guam tried to get me to go numerous times, but I refused, based on health reasons. My health concerns were legitimate, but I also refused because of having my freedom of speech violated at the training center. Friend, you can pray (or even talk to yourself) out loud at any time, at any place you want in public or private, and it is your God-given as well as legal right to do so freely. Obviously you shouldn't talk during a movie or while listening to someone else preach a sermon, but you have a right to pray anywhere out loud. If anyone ever tells them different, warn them that they could be sued.
It is important to first define “contemplative prayer.” Contemplative prayer is not just contemplating, thinking or meditating while you pray. Praying with our mind is not what “contemplative prayer” has come to mean. Contemplative prayer is very popular in apostate churches today. A recent popular religious film is called: “The War Room,” in which Pastor Tony Evans' daughters Priscilla Shirer (born 1974) stars. Miss Shirer is also a preacher, which automatically makes her a demonic false prophet. The Bible strictly, in no uncertain terms, forbids women from usurping authority over or teaching men in the church. Shame on Priscilla Shirer for disobeying God's Holy Word. She will be judged and shamed in Heaven!!!
Priscilla Shirer stars in the 2015 religious film, "The War Room." Sadly, Miss Shirer promotes the demonic occult practice of 'Contemplative Prayer.' Prayer itself is Biblical. What is prayer? Prayer is asking. If you are not requesting something from God you are not praying. Talking with the Lord is fellowship. I do both and so should you. I tell Jesus each day out loud that I love Him. I often talk in my car outloud to the Lord, and I also think out loud oftentimes.
A study was done decades ago that revealed that people who talk to themselves are more intelligent than the average person. I was encouraged to learn that, since I have always (even as a child) talked to myself. My father came into a room one day and asked me who I was talking to, and I said: “No one.” I have always loved talking to myself. Now if I ever start answering myself then I'll start to Talking to yourself is quite normal and acceptable, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
New age occultism includes speaking in tongues, which has its origin in witchcraft. Dear friend, NEVER speak in tongues. I once worked with a Christian black man who confided in me that he once spoke in tongues. I knew that he was deceived by Satan, because the evil tongues spoken by Pentecostals and Charismatics is nothing more than pagan mumbo-jumbo. It is a cheap form of entertainment (which makes false prophets very rich). On the Day of Pentecost, the Bible says that thousands of people HEARD the Gospel preached in their own native language, but the Apostle Peter only preached in the Greek language. So no one SPOKE in the miracle of tongues, the people HEARD in their own native tongue (language).
Contemplative prayer is not taught in the Holy Bible. I am sick and tired of hearing carnally-minded people say that prayer is a "good therapy." Heathens only see prayer and religion as something good in the sense that believing in a higher power has self-improving benefits. Because of the pathetic and lifeless condition of 97% of churches today, ruined by corrupt and lifeless Bible colleges like Pensacola Christian College (PCC), Americans are abandoning religion completely and forming non-religious community groups.
I do not like nor sanction the website, because they preach the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation and Wrong Repentance, but they provide this helpful information exposing Contemplative Prayer...
Contemplative prayer begins with “centering prayer,” a meditative practice where the practitioner focuses on a word and repeats that word over and over for the duration of the exercise. The purpose is to clear one’s mind of outside concerns so that God’s voice may be more easily heard. After the centering prayer, the practitioner is to sit still, listen for direct guidance from God, and feel His presence.Although this might sound like an innocent exercise, this type of prayer has no scriptural support whatsoever. In fact, it is just the opposite of how prayer is defined in the Bible. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6). “In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete” (John 16:23-24). These verses and others clearly portray prayer as being comprehendible communication with God, not an esoteric, mystical meditation.Contemplative prayer, by design, focuses on having a mystical experience with God. Mysticism, however, is purely subjective, and does not rely upon truth or fact. Yet the Word of God has been given to us for the very purpose of basing our faith, and our lives, on Truth (2 Timothy 3:16-17). What we know about God is based on fact; trusting in experiential knowledge over the biblical record takes a person outside of the standard that is the Bible.Contemplative prayer is no different than the meditative exercises used in Eastern religions and New Age cults. Its most vocal supporters embrace an open spirituality among adherents from all religions, promoting the idea that salvation is gained by many paths, even though Christ Himself stated that salvation comes only through Him (John 14:6). Contemplative prayer, as practiced in the modern prayer movement, is in opposition to biblical Christianity and should definitely be avoided. SOURCE: