I noticed an amazing correlation today in the Scripture from Psalms chapter 12. It is sad but true, that the world's pulpits have filled up with apostates instead of genuine men of God. The word “faithful” here means: “to go to the right hand,” that is, to take the right path. The Bible says that faithful men are failing (disappearing). Verse 2 tells us that these unfaithful men have become LIARS, speaking vanity with his neighbour ! The Amazing correlation which I spoke of, is the connection between what I just said in Psalms 12:1-2 and the Lord's solemn promise to preserve His “PURE WORDS” unto every generation and forever. Psalms 12:6-7, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”
Hence, the Bible says that faithful men are failing (disappearing). Verse 2 tells us that these unfaithful men have become LIARS, speaking vanity (e.g., junk theology and false Bible revisions) with his neighbour (e.g., church congregation)! Lordship Salvation is junk theology! What is Lordship Salvation? It is the decidedly unbiblical mindset that in order to get to Heaven, faith in Jesus Christ is not enough; but in ADDITION, they say you must make a full surrender to Jesus as Lord, forsake the world, turn away from a lifestyle of sin, commit your life to Him, and follow Jesus no matter what the cost. Some say you must also confess the name of Jesus before men to be saved. Whew, men sure do complicate and make salvation hard, don't they! There are many variations of this damnable heresy, but anything other than simple childlike faith in the finished redemptive work of Jesus Christ is 'ANOTHER GOSPEL' (a tract by Pastor Harry A. Ironside).
It's becoming very hard in the 21st century to find a godly man, who genuinely cares about the inspiration and accuracy of the Word of God. The ministry is not a mere profession, but a divine calling; yet most pastors today sinfully approach the pastorate merely as an occupation. The world is dying for faithful men of God to accurately and uncompromisingly preach THE TRUTH! I find it more than a mere coincidence, that in the same Bible passage which speaks of a famine of godly men, who have all turned to the left instead of the right, that we would also read about God's promise to preserve His “PURE WORDS” unto every generation.
Hence, the Bible says that faithful men are failing (disappearing). Verse 2 tells us that these unfaithful men have become LIARS, speaking vanity (e.g., junk theology and false Bible revisions) with his neighbour (e.g., church congregation)! Lordship Salvation is junk theology! What is Lordship Salvation? It is the decidedly unbiblical mindset that in order to get to Heaven, faith in Jesus Christ is not enough; but in ADDITION, they say you must make a full surrender to Jesus as Lord, forsake the world, turn away from a lifestyle of sin, commit your life to Him, and follow Jesus no matter what the cost. Some say you must also confess the name of Jesus before men to be saved. Whew, men sure do complicate and make salvation hard, don't they! There are many variations of this damnable heresy, but anything other than simple childlike faith in the finished redemptive work of Jesus Christ is 'ANOTHER GOSPEL' (a tract by Pastor Harry A. Ironside).
It's becoming very hard in the 21st century to find a godly man, who genuinely cares about the inspiration and accuracy of the Word of God. The ministry is not a mere profession, but a divine calling; yet most pastors today sinfully approach the pastorate merely as an occupation. The world is dying for faithful men of God to accurately and uncompromisingly preach THE TRUTH! I find it more than a mere coincidence, that in the same Bible passage which speaks of a famine of godly men, who have all turned to the left instead of the right, that we would also read about God's promise to preserve His “PURE WORDS” unto every generation.
The implication is clear dear reader—there is a direct correlation between godly men and the pure Words of God! When churches and their pastors start embracing false Bibles, false prophets and false Gospels, speaking lies in vanity instead of THE TRUTH, the godly man has disappeared. In my humble opinion, there are no godly men in charge of the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, where I was abused! They excommunicated me for doing what a true friend does—I told them THE TRUTH. The Apostle Paul did the same thing, telling THE TRUTH to the corrupted churches of Galatia, for which they counted Paul their “enemy” (Galatians 4:16). These wicked men sanction and help spread Satan's corruptible seed, pulling on the same rope as the Devil, which is what Evangelist Billy Sunday said a century ago! Help Lord, for the godly man ceaseth!
I tell you truthfully with all confidence, that if you don't have a KING JAMES BIBLE in the English-speaking language, you don't have a Holy Bible!!! Well what about other languages? If you don't speak other languages, what do you care? I speak English, and I have God's holy, perfect, preserved, infallible, inerrant, reliable, accurate, and verbally-inspired “very pure” (Psalm 119:140b). Words in front of me in the blessed KING JAMES BIBLE!!! I am sick and tired of internet trolls, who need to go get a life, arguing about every little thing they can find to attack the King James Bible. Hey, I'm going to spend my time preaching the Gospel of the King James Bible, while you waste your time and confuse people with your woeful ignorance! I say that kindly, because I love you with God's love!
There is a whole new corrupt mindset that is being introduced into the world's churches via the Devil's so-called hundreds of “new” and “improved” Bible revisions. Here is an excellent documentary exposing the “New World Order Bible Versions!” (1:46 hour video). The biggest heresy that I see in the modern PERversions is the removal of the deity of Christ, and the addition of Lordship Salvation. Literally, they've REMOVED key passages teaching the Trinity, and they've ADDED new passages about turning from sins to be saved. Shockingly, corrupt institutions like Bob Jones University, Moody Bible Institute, Liberty University, and hundreds of other religious colleges in the United States sanction, use and sell these Satanic Bible revisions! It just evidences the incredibly subtle and effective power of Satan to infiltrate, steal, kill and destroy all that which is good (John 10:10; Revelation 12:9).
The Devil is a beautiful liar! Lucifer is no fool, he knows exactly how to deceive gullible humans. The serpent knew how to deceive Eve in the Garden of Eden, which caused her to destroy her own life, and that of her entire family. The serpent was so bold, that he even tried to destroy Jesus in Matthew 4:1-10, but the Lord quoted the Holy Scriptures to defeat him. If Jesus needed to wield the Sword of the Word of God to fight the Devil off, then so do we, which is our only defense. For that reason, it should be obvious to you dear reader why Satan would want to corrupt the Bible, to deprive men of their only effective defense against sin, self and Satan.
Here below is one of thousands of shocking examples of Satanic corruption, that I could show you in the modern Bible revisions. For exposing these Satanic deceptions, I was wrongfully driven out of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam in 2014, and have been banned in writing from returning, by their ungodly pastors. This is a comparison between the accurate King James Bible (KJB), and the corrupt Common English Bible (CEB)...
The translators of the CEB are bold-faced, demonic, LIARS!!! Where are we told in the Word of God that we MUST CHANGE OUR HEART AND LIFE AS WE TURN TO GOD, to be saved? In sharp contrast, the inspired King James Bible says to repent toward God, not change our life AS we turn toward God. What frauds! What con artists! What devils!!!KING JAMES BIBLE (KJB) - Acts 20:21, “Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.”COMMON ENGLISH BIBLE (CEB) - Acts 20:21, “You know I have testified to both Jews and Greeks that they must change their hearts and lives as they turn to God and have faith in our Lord Jesus.”
Dear friend, what will it take to remove the blinders from apostate religious leaders today, who support the Satanic fraud of the modern Bible versions? I am so wearied in my frustrated soul with Baptist Bible colleges and church pastors today, who couldn't care less and are indifferent toward the Satanic deception of the Alexandrian Bible revisions. THEY ARE ALL CORRUPT, the Bibles and the pastors and the churches and the Bible colleges!!! Satan has successfully deceived all of them with intellectualism, formalism and ecumenicalism!
So there you have it! To the same degree that the inspired Word of God is being tampered with and corrupted by intellectual devils, the godly men of the past have disappeared! The world's churches in 2020 are rife with apostasy—Hillsong churches worldwide (1,100 and counting), Elevation Church in North Carolina, Rick Warren's Saddleback Church in California, Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Texas—all counterfeit churches of the Devil! Take a look at Hillsong's website and you'll quickly notice that there is no Gospel message taught! New Testament church? I think not.
False teachers lead people to live the Christian life without ever being born-again! Those are Satan's ministers (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15). In this theologically depraved generation, young people are as waves of the sea being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine, lost in the raging storm of life! Friend, Jesus is the lighthouse, and you MUST BE BORN AGAIN TO ENTER INTO GOD'S KINGDOM! (John 3:3-7). Here is how you can have GOD'S FREE GIFT right here and right now, for free!
“Eternal security is not a separate doctrine from salvation.” —Dr. Ray A. Stanford (1916-2012); “Eternal Security,” chapter two from Dr. Stanford's awesome book titled, “HANDBOOK OF PERSONAL EVANGELISM”

Proverbs 30:5-6, “Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.”
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