Dr. Bob Jones Sr. Contended For Salvation By Faith

Galatians 1:6-7, “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.”

Evangelist Bob Jones Sr. (1883-1968) made the following unapologetic, uncompromising and fundamentalist defense of salvation by faith alone...
“He [Jude] said, well it was 'needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith, which once for all [was] delivered unto the saints.' 
Now wait a minute, you've got something worth contending for! Isn't it strange that something so valuable and so wonderful as saving faith is something we that have to be exhorted to contend for? Why, if you had a diamond worth $5,000 you wouldn't leave it just lying around anywhere. If you had $1,000,000 in gold, you'd go put it in a vault. [If] Anybody tried to get it, you'd fight to keep them from gettin' it. And we just sit down and just let people steal the faith that Christians have, and never bother about it. Some of us pay 'em to do that! Some of us pay preachers to stand in the pulpit and steal the faith of the saints of God, and send our children to Hell. The most crooked crook on God Almighty's earth is a preacher who stands in a Trinitarian pulpit, and steals the faith of people! 
You know I've said it many a time; if I was up in Heaven, fifty years from now (and the Lord tarried), and any religious liberal ever sat in a classroom in this institution, and tried to disseminate his infidelity, I'd ask God Almighty to excuse me for a little while, and I'd come back down to this school and get a stick of dynamite, and I'd blow it into smithereens! I'd rather see this school a heap of rubbish, just a little rubbish here and a little rubbish yonder, than see the time ever come we could be such softies, we'll sit down and let the Devil put his modernists and religious liberals in here to rob them of the faith. And yet that things going on in America, from one end of this country to the other!” —Dr. Bob Jones Sr.; YouTube | MP4 | MP3
As you just read, Dr. Bob Jones Sr. said he would rather destroy Bob Jones University, than to let modernists and religious liberals corrupt one student with infidelity that robs them of their faith! Professed Christians nowadays are so deceived by the Devil, that they even pay infidels to destroy the faith of young people in the Word of God and the Gospel of free grace! Bob Jones University sells, sanctions and uses multiple Bible revisions! They sanction the Devil's corrupt Alexandrian manuscripts! BJU horribly betrays the inspired Word of God. Sadly, Bob Jones University has been going downhill in spiritual deterioration for decades, hobnobbing with ungodly neo-evangelicals. Consequently, they've been infected with ecumenism, Lordship Salvation, Calvinism, John MacArthur and corruptible seed at BJU!

Dr. Bob Jones Sr. Rejected The Counterfeit Gospel Of Lordship Salvation

Dr. Bob Jones Sr. himself taught salvation is obtained only through simple faith in Jesus Christ, none of this “turn from your sins” crap that heretics' Steve Pettit, John MacArthur, Bob Jones University and Calvinists are all teaching today! Dr. Jones rightly and beautifully says:
“God gives you eternal life when you take Him. Eternal life is wrapped up in Christ. 'He that hath the Son hath life.' There is just one difference between a Christian and a sinner. A Christian has Christ and a sinner does not have Him. That is the only difference. All you need is Jesus. It is all in Jesus! If you will take Him, He will blot out all your sins. If you take Him, He will give you a new nature. If you take Him, He will go with you along the journey of life. He will be with you when you are tempted. He will put arms of power around you and give you the victory. 'By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; not of works, lest any man should boast.” —Dr. Bob Jones Sr., “Things I Have Learned: Chapel Talks,” page 223; Bob Jones University Press, ©1945
I have read the entire book by Dr. Bob Jones Sr. titled: “THINGS I HAVE LEARNED,” and there is nothing about “turning from sins” to be saved. The last chapter of the book is titled, “HOW ARE WE SAVED?” There is no mention of “repenting of your sins” or being “willing to turn from your sins” to receive the free gift of eternal life. The foolish Bob Jones University crowd have been BEWITCHED!!! (Galatians 3:1-3). Oh foolish Bob Jonians, who hath bewitched you, that you should follow another gospel? Oh foolish Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, whom I dearly love so much, who hath bewitched you that you should believe another gospel? Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

False Prophets Are Very Dangerous Because People Like Them So Much

How did this happen? Pastor Jack Hyles explains:
We call him the neo-evangelical. ...These false teachers are usually likable people, and once we learn to like them, their doctrine will not be quite so bad. ...It is not believing right within the movement that makes one a fundamentalist; it is the withdrawal FROM the movement and returning to the original dogma, practices and convictions of the apostate group that gives one the title of fundamentalist. The basic difference is the degree of importance that one places on the doctrine of separation. [emphasis added] —Pastor Jack Hyles, a quote from my article titled, “New Evangelicalism.”
John MacArthur is a very suave, dynamic and likable pastor. Likewise, Dr. Steve Pettit is very likable and a really nice guy. That makes these men extremely dangerous spiritually, because they are both completely wrong on the Gospel, teaching Calvinism. John MacArthur perverts the Gospel! These men pervert grace; therefore, they don't get grace from God!!! Adding even the slightest amount of human effort to the free gift of God negates it! When A Gift Is Not Really A Gift (Eternal life is an exchange, not a gift, at Bob Jones College). Dr. Bob Jones Sr. is brokenhearted, disgusted and angry up in Heaven, over the perversion of the Gospel at the college he started in 1927!!! Brother Jones is disgusted that the college he started bids Godspeed to hundreds of English Bible revisions. The Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort Greek is corrupt!!!

The plan of salvation taught by Bob Jones University, John MacArthur, Steve Pettit, Sam Horn, Ray Comfort and John Piper is a completely different mindset, than the Gospel of free grace taught in the Holy Scriptures. In the true Gospel, Jesus paid our sin debt with His precious blood, and we are saved solely by trusting what Christ did for us (Hebrews 4:10-11). In the heresy of Lordship Salvation, something is required of you; namely, that you make full surrender, be willing to turn from your sins, commit your life to Christ, run the race, persevere in holiness and ministry, deny yourself, and follow Jesus no matter what the cost. I am not kidding or exaggerating folks! Read what Dr. Steve Pettit taught 2,700 BJU students in January of 2015. Steve Pettit preaches another gospel! Read what John MacArthur teaches! Bob Jones Sr. would have a heart-attack if he were still alive today, after he blew his college to smithereens with dynamite!!!

Dr. Bob Jones Sr. called them “crooked crooks” for corrupting the faith! Brother Jones is so right. Jesus called them “thieves and robbers” in John 10:1. If we had an expensive possession, we'd put it in a vault. We'd protect it. We'd guard it with all diligence! Yet, we sit back and let infidels come into our Bible colleges and churches, and WE PAY THEM, to steal the faith away from unsuspecting people! I'm talking about reprobate Pastor John MacArthur!!! Dr. Steve Pettit bids Godspeed to Mr. MacArthur and his sinister ministry! What is wrong with us today! Dr. Jones warned during his lifetime, that all across America infidels are infiltrating and corrupting our religious institutions. THEY SURE HAVE!!!

“There is no more piously subtle abrogation of the Gospel than to tell a Sinner that he must not only believe in the Savior, but dedicate himself to do God's will, crown the Savior Lord of his life, etc., etc. Obviously, dedication and service are highly desirable, but they are the privilege and the duty of the saved, never a condition of salvation for the unsaved (cf. Romans 12:1, 2).” Dr. Merrill F. Under, 'God Is Waiting To Meet You'; Moody Press, 1975 (p. 117-118).

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